Organizational Development — Jensen Strategies

Sample Project

Organizational development
City of St. Helens, Oregon

In 2014, the City of St. Helens, Oregon retained Jensen Strategies to conduct an operational and cultural assessment of its organization. The assessment provided an overview of the current structure, operations, and processes that can influence the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery.  The primary sources of information were the people most closely involved in planning, managing, and providing these services including elected and appointed officials, management, and employees.

The project involved three phases of data gathering including stakeholder interviews, five workshops with employees, and an online and written employee survey.

All of the information gathered was used to build an understanding of the City’s structure and operations, prepare findings and develop recommendations for City Council and management consideration.  

Jensen Strategies conducted an insightful, balanced, and high quality operational and cultural assessment for the City of St. Helens. Their process was inclusive, objective, and comprehensive, and they provided City leadership with constructive information for future planning and decision-making.
— John Walsh, City Administrator, City of St. Helens